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Grow Your Family with Reciprocal IVF Treatment

A unique treatment method that allows both partners in an LGBTQ+ relationship to play a biological role in conception and pregnancy.

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step by step guide

The Reciprocal IVF Process


Step 1: Ovarian Stimulation (Partner A)

Partner A goes through the traditional IVF process to create embryos, taking injectable fertility medications to stimulate the ovaries and mature multiple eggs at the same time.  


Step 2: Egg Retrieval (Partner A)

During an egg retrieval, eggs are carefully removed from Partner A's ovaries, then fertilized with the couple's designated donor sperm in the IVF lab in order to create embryos.  


Step 3: Embryo Development

The resulting embryos are cultured and closely monitored by specially-trained embryologists in the lab until they reach the stage at which they can be transferred and/or frozen.  

Step 4: Embryo Transfer (Partner B)

An embryo created from Partner A's egg and the donor's sperm is transferred to the uterus of Partner B, usually in a separate cycle. "Fresh" transfers are also a possibility in some cases.

Step 5: Pregnancy Test Results

Around nine days after embryo transfer, the carrying partner will return to the fertility clinic for blood work. Those test results will indicate whether or not the transfer was successful.

reciprocal ivf process

Is reciprocal IVF right for you?

Ideal candidates for reciprocal IVF are typically same-sex female couples (or cis female/trans male couples) who:

  • Both want to be involved in the creation of a pregnancy
  • Are open to going through the fertility treatment process
  • Are otherwise good medical candidates for IVF and/or pregnancy

The success rates of reciprocal IVF, similar to the success rates of traditional IVF, will vary depending on the age of the "egg donor," as well as any significant infertility diagnosis (e.g. endometriosis).

Typically, the younger the partner is who is "donating" the eggs, the higher the couple's chances of success with IVF will be.

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Ready to get started with reciprocal IVF?

We’re here to help! Here’s what to expect on your path to parenthood:

what our patients say

"We knew that the reciprocal IVF process using Taylor's eggs would be more complicated than a simple IUI cycle, so we were very lucky to have gotten pregnant quickly with both children."


What to Consider Before Starting Reciprocal IVF

Think RIVF treatment might be the right path for you? Fill out this form to learn more about what to discuss with your partner before embarking on this incredible family-building option.


Learn More About RIVF

Explore the most frequently asked questions about reciprocal in vitro fertilization (RIVF) treatment to get familiar with the process. Still have questions? Ask Monica!

How does reciprocal IVF (RIVF) work?

How will I know if RIVF is right for me?

How do you choose who will provide eggs and who will carry the pregnancy?

How long does reciprocal IVF take?

What are the success rates for RIVF?

Who is a good candidate for reciprocal IVF?

Can we use the same sperm donor for multiple pregnancies?

What sets Illume Fertility apart for RIVF treatment?

How much does reciprocal IVF cost?

Does insurance cover reciprocal IVF?

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Chat with an RIVF expert!

Our team of board-certified reproductive endocrinologists are ready to help you create the family of your dreams. Schedule your initial consult today to learn how Illume Fertility can help you achieve your family-building goals using reciprocal IVF.

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