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Fertility Blog by Illume Fertility

Everything you need to know about reproductive health, fertility testing, fertility treatment (like IUI and IVF) and how to navigate fertility challenges.

Fertility Treatment | IVF | Patient Stories

By: Emma Lott
March 26th, 2021

Like so many things in life, our expectations of what family building is going to look like may differ greatly from our reality. For our patient Angela, even though she knew that fertility treatment was going to be part of her story from the start, there were still some surprises along the way. We are so grateful to Angela for openly sharing her journey and for demonstrating the power of perseverance and believing in yourself. Read the full story in her own words below.

Fertility Treatment | Patient Stories

By: Lisa Rosenthal
September 16th, 2020

You’re done. Fertility treatments, over. Finished. Adoption is not a choice for you. It just isn’t. Fostering a child, nope. No judgement on anyone who continues, it’s just that you know that you are done. Having a child was a lifelong dream and you’ve accepted, begrudgingly or not, that it’s not happening and that you know that it’s time for you to accept it. But come on, childfree by choice? It wasn’t a choice; it was inflicted on you. You didn’t weigh the options, balancing having a child with not having a child and choose the latter. You didn’t flip a coin and let that make your decision.