Christina Dias, RN, BSN
February 8th, 2023
Fertility treatment can be a long, challenging process with unexpected roadblocks. Knowing what to expect at your IVF embryo transfer can help alleviate any concerns and allow you to approach this big milestone feeling more empowered.
PCOS | IVF | IUI | Mental Health | Patient Stories
Sierra Dehmler
January 17th, 2023
Trying to conceive brings with it a whole host of emotions and challenges, particularly when you need the help of fertility treatment. New parents Andrea and Ralph share how infertility changed them - and whether they wish they'd done anything differently on their journey.
IVF | Advocacy | Affording Treatment
Mark Leondires, MD
November 11th, 2022
Infertility affects 1 in 8 people in the United States, and among them are those whose service in the U.S. military has cost them their chance to have a biological child without medical intervention. Unfortunately, military insurance coverage does not fully cover the treatment of infertility connected to service-related injuries. Learn about the military discounts that Illume Fertility offers and how they can help defray the cost of treatment.
Male Infertility | IVF | Patient Stories | Pregnancy & Infant Loss
Sierra Dehmler
September 2nd, 2022
When Sarah and her husband began trying to conceive six years ago, they never imagined they'd end up needing the help of fertility treatment. After a long, winding road through multiple pregnancy losses, egg retrievals, embryo transfers, and countless tests and appointments, Sarah shares how this journey has shifted her perspective and turned her into a courageous fertility advocate - as well as what's next for their family.
Fertility Treatment | IVF | Genetic Testing | Mental Health | Genetics
Sierra Dehmler
June 21st, 2022
After receiving some shocking news on their fertility journey, Alyson and her husband were advised to move straight to IVF treatment - something they never expected to hear. This is the story of what happened next and everything they learned on the way to meeting their baby girl, Emmy.
Katie Cacchiani
March 21st, 2022
This is Part 3 of Katie's Story, a series where one fertility patient takes you through her entire IVF journey in real-time, from start to finish. To catch up, read Part 1 and Part 2 or follow along here.
IVF | Patient Stories | Pregnancy & Infant Loss
Sierra Dehmler
February 7th, 2022
While every fertility patient's journey is different, there's one thing they all typically have in common: none of them expected to need the help of fertility treatments, doctors and an entire team of healthcare professionals in order to have a baby. In this story, Illume Fertility mom Azana shares the highs and lows of her experience and what she learned along her unique path to motherhood.
Pregnancy | IVF | Mental Health | Patient Stories
Katie Cacchiani
January 28th, 2022
This is Part 2 of our Katie's Story series. Read Part 1 and Part 3. After a long journey involving multiple pregnancy losses, three rounds of IVF and lots of waiting, we finally welcomed our daughter Nora in 2020. But we were anxious about what it would take for us to try and give Nora a little brother or sister. This is Part 2 of my story, which includes some updates about whether our fourth frozen embryo transfer was successful, the emotional roller coaster of early pregnancy and what's next for our family. Skip to a specific section: July 2021: Planning for Baby #2 Navigating Insurance & the Emotions of Starting Again My Second Egg Retrieval December 2021: Frozen Embryo Transfer January 2022: Am I Pregnant? Pregnancy Ultrasound #1 Pregnancy Ultrasound #2 Where Am I Now? More Infertility Resources