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Fertility Blog by Illume Fertility

Everything you need to know about reproductive health, fertility testing, fertility treatment (like IUI and IVF) and how to navigate fertility challenges.

Infertility Awareness | IVF | Mental Health

By: Emma Lott
February 15th, 2021

When journalist Amy Klein got married and started trying to get pregnant, it was 2011. She was 41, and she was met with a distinct lack of fertility support. While patients struggling with fertility today have the benefit of online communities on Facebook and Instagram, the best that Amy could find were “mommy boards” - chat forums where women would talk about fertility treatment secretly, using initials rather than names.


By: Virginia Hamilton Furnari
November 16th, 2020

It’s the IVF outcome you don’t ever want to think about.

Acupuncture | IVF

By: Virginia Hamilton Furnari
October 21st, 2020

It's true! Laser Acupuncture can increase implantation success rates by up to 15% when administered just before and immediately after an embryo transfer. Jump down in the article for acupuncture FAQs and all the study details straight from Illume Fertility's expert acupuncturists.

IVF | Mental Health | Pregnancy & Infant Loss

By: Lisa Rosenthal
October 14th, 2020

You're waiting - counting the days until you can share your pregnancy news. We're taught that sharing pregnancy news is safe at 12 or 13 weeks but that telling anyone before that milestone is iffy, at best. Where did we learn this? And what are the facts behind miscarriage, pregnancy, and silence?

Cancer | IVF

By: Joshua Hurwitz, MD
January 17th, 2020

The following commentary is based on a nation-wide study published in October 2019 by Oxford University Press A group of researchers wanted to assess the validity of an ongoing speculation with assisted reproductive treatment (ART) – that hormone stimulation increased a woman’s risk for ovarian cancer. This study ultimately confirmed the belief that ART does not increase cancer risk, except for patients with endometriosis. However, there needs to be more research to prove the latter - the increased risk of ovarian cancer in IVF patients with endometriosis might be because of the diagnosis, not because of the added element of hormone stimulation. More on that below. But first, a message from our very own Dr. Joshua Hurwitz:


By: Monica Moore, MSN, APRN
January 10th, 2020

To the Women Fighting for Their Fertility,

News | IVF

By: Lisa Rosenthal
January 6th, 2020

2020 is starting off with great news (think fireworks!) for the 1 in 8 New York couples who need fertility treatment to build a family. This celebration is specifically for those who need in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and fertility preservation coverage. Thanks to a bill passed last year in New York and having taken effect on January 1, 2020, residents of the state went from no IVF coverage to three cycles covered by insurance!

IVF | Genetic Testing | BIPOC | Genetics

By: Jamie Speer, M.S., LCGC
September 25th, 2019

Sickle cell disease is a relatively common genetic disorder affecting approximately 100,000 Americans. Luckily, with the help of IVF treatment and genetic testing, carriers of the trait can now prevent passing it on - leading to healthier babies.