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Fertility Blog

Fertility Blog by Illume Fertility

Everything you need to know about reproductive health, fertility testing, fertility treatment (like IUI and IVF) and how to navigate fertility challenges.

Fertility Basics | IVF | Advocacy

By: Sierra Dehmler
July 24th, 2024

Thanks to amazing advances in reproductive medicine, the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process has become a widely used and highly effective method for achieving family-building goals. But have you ever stopped to consider how the method evolved into what it is today?

Fertility Basics | Fertility Testing | Video

By: Sarah Waters, RN/WHNP
July 18th, 2024

Some Ask Monica episodes may contain references to our previous name, RMA of CT. Learn more here.

Infertility Awareness | Fertility Basics | Video

By: Monica Moore, MSN, APRN
July 17th, 2024

Some Ask Monica episodes may contain references to our previous name, RMA of CT. Learn more here.

Fertility Basics | Video

By: Monica Moore, MSN, APRN
July 15th, 2024

Some Ask Monica episodes may contain references to our previous name, RMA of CT. Learn more here.

Fertility Basics | TTC | Video

By: Monica Moore, MSN, APRN
July 12th, 2024

Ask Monica is a Q&A video series hosted by Nurse Practitioner Monica Moore.

Fertility Basics | Fertility Testing

By: Sierra Dehmler
July 12th, 2024

When you're having trouble getting pregnant, one of the first steps towards family-building success is fertility testing. Explore six reasons why these diagnostic tests are so important, and how they can help you achieve your goal of a healthy pregnancy and baby.

LGBTQ+ Family Building | Fertility Basics

By: Sierra Dehmler
June 5th, 2024

The language of LGBTQ+ family planning can be dense and daunting. While it isn't necessary to learn every single medical term or acronym, having a basic understanding of the jargon you may encounter on your journey will help you feel more informed and empowered.

Infertility | Fertility Basics | Fertility Treatment | Fertility Testing

By: Sierra Dehmler
March 12th, 2024

When you enter the fertility world, you're forced to learn an entirely new language in order to understand your results, advocate for yourself, and communicate with your team. While it's an important part of the process, it can also feel daunting. Here's a crash course to help you feel more empowered.