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A Sweet Way to Promote Cancer Awareness: Pies for Prevention

Learn how you can join us to support those facing breast and ovarian cancer through a delicious holiday bake sale.

November 7th, 2024 | 4 min. read

By Sierra Dehmler

Pie: Good. Pie for charity? Delicious! Learn how Illume Fertility's Dr. Ilana Ressler is helping raise awareness for breast and ovarian cancer while supporting the Westchester, NY community this upcoming holiday season.

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Raising Awareness Through Baking

For the ninth year in a row, Dr. Ilana Ressler, one of Illume Fertility's board-certified reproductive endocrinologists, is spearheading Sharsharet's Pies for Prevention initiative in Westchester, NY to help promote ovarian and breast cancer awareness.

This has been a cause near and dear to her heart for many years. Each November, Dr. Ressler devotes lots of effort, time, love to baking delicious pies to support Sharsheret's much-needed efforts. 

2024 marks the 16th annual Sharsheret Thanksgiving Bake Sale, where fresh, delicious pies are lovingly baked within the community right before Thanksgiving, then distributed to those who have purchased them just in time for the holidays.

Donations are tax-deductible, and all proceeds from the bake sale benefit Sharsheret directly.

Taking Action in a Tangible Way 

As a physician who meets patients facing breast and ovarian cancer on a regular basis through her work as a reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. Ressler felt compelled to do what she could to raise awareness and funds to help support families in need.

"I'm honored to once again be involved in the Pies for Prevention program through Sharsheret, a wonderful non-profit organization that supports women and their families with breast and ovarian cancer," she says.

Many patients facing cancer are referred to our practice for immediate fertility preservation, like egg freezing, sperm freezing or other future family-building options. If you or someone you know has recently been diagnosed and is looking for time-sensitive, expert guidance on fertility preservation, please reach out to our team.

Holiday pies for a cause:

When you place an order through the Pies for Prevention program, you are helping to directly impact the lives of women and families facing cancer.

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Get to Know Sharsheret

Sharsheret is a national Jewish not-for-profit organization supporting women and their families facing breast and ovarian cancer. Their programs offers tailored resources and  support for women facing cancer at a time when they need it most.

Over the past 16 years, Sharsheret's annual bake sale has raised more than $800,000, and the Westchester chapter's fundraiser continues to be one of the most successful internationally.

"This is a delicious and meaningful way to support a great cause," says Dr. Ressler. "There are different ways to participate, including purchasing baked goods, sponsoring a baker, or simply making a donation!" 

Note: All ingredients are certified kosher, pareve, and homemade in a kosher kitchen.

Supporting the Jewish Community

This year, Sharsheret will donate ten percent of net proceeds (from baked goods sold) to the following Israeli organizations serving families affected by cancer and by war-related trauma:

  • Israel Lemonade Fund, which provides emergency financial aid for non-medical expenses for women with breast cancer
  • Haverut, which conducts mental health support groups for women, including those who are at risk and living with cancer

What is Pies for Prevention?

Pies for Prevention is a program started by two sisters, Adeena Sussman and Sharon Wieder, who lost both their mother and grandmother to ovarian cancer. To honor the memories of both women, the sisters decided to memorialize their mother's and grandmother's love of baking while raising money for a great cause.

Ready to order?

Choose from a delicious assortment of classic flavors like pumpkin and pecan pie, gluten-free options, and more yummy treats!

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How to Order Your Pie

Each year, bakers lovingly craft delicious treats like pumpkin pie, pecan pie, chocolate chip cookie dough pie, and pumpkin cranberry bread. They also typically offer gluten-free peanut butter chocolate blondies.

Want to pick up some homemade goodies of your own? Visit Dr. Ressler's fundraising page to place your order today. The deadline is November 20, 2024, and pick ups will be scheduled for November 27, 2024 - just in time for Thanksgiving!

The team at Illume Fertility applauds Dr. Ressler's continued dedication to supporting this wonderful cause, and we all look forward to devouring our own pies with family and friends over the upcoming holidays!

Sierra Dehmler

Sierra Dehmler is the Content Marketing Manager at Illume Fertility, having joined the team in 2020. Combining empathy gained on her personal journey with her professional experience in marketing and content creation, she aims to empower and support other fertility patients by demystifying the fertility treatment process.