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Fertility Blog by Illume Fertility

Everything you need to know about reproductive health, fertility testing, fertility treatment (like IUI and IVF) and how to navigate fertility challenges.


By: Mark Leondires, MD
November 25th, 2019

The first thing that I remember about Laura? It was her dedication. She spent a lot of time and had almost endless energy into her quest to become a parent. For instance, when she accepted that her weight was a contributing factor, she persevered, having regular appointments with the RMA of Connecticut nutritionist. She was a “patient” patient, despite numerous frustrating test results and disappointing outcomes. I had no doubt that she would be an amazing parent. Laura’s kindness and sweetness were apparent even through her most discouraged and sad moments. Though she was not a parent already, she was a teacher, and her sheer will, force, and determination to become a mom was always obvious.


By: Lisa Rosenthal
November 23rd, 2019

A fertility practice is an unlikely place to build a family through adoption, yes, definitely. But when I decided to write a blog in honor of National Adoption Awareness Month, it was with the idea of giving adoption a story, a personality, a face… rather than just explaining the process logistics. The story that always comes to mind when I think about adoption is a patient of Illume Fertility who became a friend of mine over 7 years ago. Side note: I promise, I’ll also definitely share relevant and appropriate adoption resources. Look for those at the end of the blog!


By: Lisa Rosenthal
October 21st, 2019

Attending an American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Scientific Congress and Expo is humbling. With over 9,000 attendees, the scope of expertise and level of knowledge in the science, medical, technological, mental health fields and more is way over a layperson’s head.

Infertility | Women's Health

By: Monica Moore, MSN, APRN
September 27th, 2019

As a nurse who has worked in the Reproductive Endocrinology (RE) field for over 20 years, there are five points that I feel are important for anyone undergoing infertility treatments to realize.


By: Jill Hickey, RDN
September 26th, 2019

It’s a typical day. I have my lunch ready to go, packed perfectly with leftovers from the night before, or with a colorful salad I loaded up with whole grains this morning. I also have my nuts and fruit for a snack. It’s a perfect lunch-boxed plan, made ahead of time and with enough options to get me through the day, feeling energized and productive at work.

IVF | Genetic Testing | BIPOC | Genetics

By: Jamie Speer, M.S., LCGC
September 25th, 2019

Sickle cell disease is a relatively common genetic disorder affecting approximately 100,000 Americans. Luckily, with the help of IVF treatment and genetic testing, carriers of the trait can now prevent passing it on - leading to healthier babies.

Fertility Treatment

By: Lisa Rosenthal
September 13th, 2019

Does infertility ever go away? That was the big question I asked myself at certain strategic points in my fertility journey. One such point? When I was ready to give up and go cry myself to sleep under the covers. Another? When I looked in the mirror and could not recognize myself. When it was all over, one way or another, would infertility ever really go away?

By: Illume Fertility Care Team
August 27th, 2019

Today, RMA of Connecticut, a leading fertility clinic, announced their “LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader” designation from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC). The designation was awarded in the 12th edition of HRC’s Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), released on August 16th. A record 680 healthcare facilities actively participated in the HEI 2019 survey, with HRC Foundation proactively researching key policies at 1000 additional non-participating hospitals. Of those included in the HEI, 406 earned a “LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader” designation. RMA of Connecticut is the only free-standing fertility center given the HEI designation in New England.