Illume Fertility Care Team
March 25th, 2020
Dr. Spencer Richlin, Surgical Director and Partner of RMA of CT joined Alanna Flood on WWLP to discuss COVID-19 and how it impacts fertility treatments at this time.
Monica Moore, MSN, APRN
March 19th, 2020
I will leave the facts about coronavirus to the experts, but it has me thinking about our breath.
Ashley Levinson, CMA, CST, CSFA
February 7th, 2020
The name Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) implies that this condition is all about the ovaries, but this condition affects many different systems and organs of the body, including the heart. Why do PCOS patients have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and how can we reduce those risk factors?
Illume Fertility Care Team
February 5th, 2020
Here at RMA of Connecticut, our staff strives to provide patients with the best care possible. One way we do that is by setting personal, higher-educational goals, so that we can be the most up-to-date, skilled providers we can be.
Infertility Coverage | Advocacy | Affording Treatment
Lisa Rosenthal
January 22nd, 2020
There are fertility warriors that walk amongst us. In fact, the list gets longer and longer each day. There are also fertility heroes too... a slightly different breed.
Joshua Hurwitz, MD
January 17th, 2020
The following commentary is based on a nation-wide study published in October 2019 by Oxford University Press A group of researchers wanted to assess the validity of an ongoing speculation with assisted reproductive treatment (ART) – that hormone stimulation increased a woman’s risk for ovarian cancer. This study ultimately confirmed the belief that ART does not increase cancer risk, except for patients with endometriosis. However, there needs to be more research to prove the latter - the increased risk of ovarian cancer in IVF patients with endometriosis might be because of the diagnosis, not because of the added element of hormone stimulation. More on that below. But first, a message from our very own Dr. Joshua Hurwitz: