With 35+ years experience in the fertility field, as well as her own experience navigating infertility, Lisa has dedicated her life to advocating for and supporting those struggling to grow their families. Her work has included serving as Illume Fertility's Patient Advocate and founder of Fertile Yoga, hosting support groups, and advocating for those with infertility at RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, AllPaths Family Building, and other organizations.
Lisa Rosenthal
November 12th, 2024
Inherent in infertility is disappointment. In fact, the process is steeped in disappointment. Seeing the evidence every month that it hasn’t happened is a visual reminder that once again, no pregnancy.
Lisa Rosenthal
November 8th, 2024
With flu season ahead and COVID-19 still making the rounds, it's more important than ever to safeguard your health. But when you're trying to conceive or pregnant, it's only natural to have additional concerns about vaccine safety. Read on to get your questions answered and stay safe this fall and winter!
Lisa Rosenthal
November 6th, 2024
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 6 people globally are impacted by infertility. In the United States, that number increases to 1 in 5, and it's no secret that many people don't have access to the care or financial support they need to become a parent.
Pregnancy Loss | Advocacy | Mental Health
Lisa Rosenthal
October 4th, 2024
When someone you know loses a pregnancy or baby, what should you say? And is there anything you shouldn't you say to someone who is experiencing such monumental pain? Let's explore some actionable ways to support and care for those who are grieving.
Infertility | Mental Health | Pregnancy & Infant Loss
Lisa Rosenthal
August 22nd, 2024
Pregnancy loss is finally being talked about more openly, and it’s normal to have questions about how to process grief around this heartbreaking experience. You likely felt so much hope, happiness and anticipation when you found out you were pregnant, and now you're suddenly trying to make sense of what happened.
Advocacy | Mental Health | Pregnancy & Infant Loss
Lisa Rosenthal
August 21st, 2024
Navigating pregnancy and parenting after loss is a complex journey, filled with both grief and gratitude. This article explores the delicate balance between honoring your past experiences while embracing the present joy that comes with welcoming a rainbow baby into the world.
Pregnancy | Support | Mental Health | Video
Lisa Rosenthal
July 20th, 2024
Some Ask Monica episodes may contain references to our previous name, RMA of CT. Learn more here.
Lisa Rosenthal
June 28th, 2024
Finding a fertility clinic can be a challenging endeavor, and no one wants to do it twice. But when you're feeling unheard, concerned about the care you're receiving, or starting to doubt your doctor's guidance, the thought creeps in - is it time to move on to a different practice?